The Landhouse of Magic Plot in Demergion | World Anvil
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The Landhouse of Magic

Adventure Overview

Adventure Cause

Backstory Ties?

Could serve as a school for Calia's magical quest.

How does the party learn about this Quest?

When the group arrives the deed to the house, and a warning about it's state are pressed upon them,

Adventure Information

Rundown of the Adventure

After arriving in The Hamlet of Inverness the group become the proud owners of Landhouse Weichselbraun, which has been left abandoned since Elwyse Beample went missing about a month ago after visiting The Elvish Convoy  This landhouse was once the house of the tyrant lord who lorded over Inverniss and it's mines until Captain Seymoure cut him down. Many years have passed and the temporary residence of Elwyse hasn't halted the decay of the majestic house. It's a bit a a fix-her-upper you could say.

Who is involved in the adventure?

Who is behind the adventure? (BBEG)
Who is effected?
The House, the party and the new inhabitants:
  • A frost wolf with cubs.
  • A nest of giant rats in the basement.
  • A bunch of twig blights in the attic.
  • Various critters and rats residing in the building as a whole.

Player Information

Who is the Quest Giver?

The party recieves the deed from Mysria Wildblade, the town leader of Inverness. But it's up to them to make the most of it. 

What happened?

  • The house has been the property of the Tyrant lord who ruled over Inverniss many years ago, and has been abandoned since.
  • About five months ago a Gnomish Astrologist moved in, she was a bit of an odd one.
  • This Gnome did vanish after visiting The Elvish Convoy about a month ago.
  • The locals don't really go there as the building is a bit to far away from the town (5m), and way to big for any of us to take care of. And it once was the property of the tyrant lord.
  • Some of our young-uns did go there, to explore, it's dangerous tho, especially during winter.

How does the QG want this resolved?

It's yours to do with as you see fit, and it you want to renovate, the town is at your back and call, but well need compensation.

DM Information

Combat Information

  • Ground Floor: A winter wolf (CR3) and three cubs. (CR1/4)
  • Basement: 4 giant rats, 2 diseased giant rats. (CR1/8)
  • Attic: 5 twig blights (CR1/8) 

Investigations Information

  • Ground Floor: The frozen remains of a deer are placed in the center of the entrance hall, and the place is icy cold. The Library is especially cold, and here the winter wolf made it's nest.
  • 1th Floor: A few windows have shattered and blind have failed, but other than items of old splendor nothing remains. 
  • 2nd Floor: Roof has failed on various places, and snow has entered. But generally in good shape.
  • 3rd Floor: One one side the wall has failed and vegetation, as well as twig blight have entered. The mater bedroom has also been ruined,  and the bed is gone. And on the balcony overlooking the lake a massive telescope is placed. The tower of the house is only accessible via a secret tunnel. Here the remains of the tyrant lord remain, next to his organ. The room on the right was used by the gnome during her research. A desk still has various notes. 
Elwyse's Notes:
Among the notes the following can be found:
  • A Star map as well as a reference book for star names.
  • A list of three set angular coordinates, with star names and two question marks, if these numbers are dialed into the telescope (after defrosting) these will point towards a shack barely visible from the house. AS well as a crows nest sticking up from behind a tree.

Other Information

If the group wishes to repair the house and remodel, it is very much possible, but requires an investment and materials. The grand total for repair comes up to: 1.125 GP   These are the costs as is, but the precurement of a shipment of lumber, ore or even a well willing artisan could easily chip off 100 GP per instance.
  • Furniture: Depending on the state of the room, the size, and the quality.
    • Size of the Room:
      • Large: 21 or more, 50 GP
      • Medium: 20 or less, 20 GP
      • Small: 8 squares or less, 10 GP
      • Hallway: 10 GP, no quality modfier.
    • Quality of the Room:
      • Fancy: X2
      • Medium: X1
      • Common: X0.5
    • State of the Room:
      • Disrepair: X1
      • Damaged: X0.5
      • Pristine: X0


Assisting NPCs
Other NPCs
Elwyse Beample
Hostile NPCs


The house has various things hidden away:
  • 50 GP is Silverware (kitchen)
  • 50 GP in books, about 25 per library.
  • About 7 5GP knickknacks, candelabras etc.
  • The corpse of the tyrant lord has a magical ring, which allows the user to cast thaumaturgy at will, as well as the fear spell once per long rest.

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