The Dragonflies Organization in Demergion | World Anvil
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The Dragonflies

Gang led by Oliver Fischer, and old veteran who has rounded up 5 dock-workers with a similar mindset, these six men and women have captured 4 dragonborn with a lot of influence and have buried them - together with the Fallen Aasimar agent send to keep them safe - up to their head in the dirt in the small side shack. They themselves will be loudly celebrating, ensuring no sound escapes.


  • Oliver Fischer
  • Markus au (Low)
  • Luca Weber (Guy who lost wife and wants revenge, vital stake)
  • Felix Wagner (Vital)
  • Lia Mayr (Very Low)
  • Anna Spielmann (No)


The group, has been funded by a noble named Constantin Fischer. This distant family relation of Oliver has provided Oliver with a significant sum of gold which has been used to pay for discretion, living expenses.


  • Dragonborn 1: Galdoth Arivayla, Spokesperson of an amalgamation of houses.
  • Dragonborn 2: Tenxin Arfras, Pillow maker
  • Dragonborn 3: Teldrid Ushiyries, Barber
  • Dragonborn 4: Fenxol Nakul, Trader
  • Agent: Tarkin Dhorli.

Down with the Scales

Founding Date
Notable Members

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