Session 5: Lost without a map Report in Demergion | World Anvil
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Session 5: Lost without a map

General Summary

Despite their magical introduction of the group, the man (Timo) and the Construct (Chopper) in the end didn't pose a threat. And where more than willing to let the group explore the ship, as well as find the various surprises left within. Among these was a broken key which found it's way into Randolf and a powder trap which caused quite some trouble for Randolf and Brodo. But despite this, Volkar managed to extract a segmented stone cylinder which could be the item everybody was looking for. After finding the map the group left the docks not wanting to overstay their welcome and returned to the traveler's chair. Where Randolf and Volkar inspected their find.   After concluding their stay the group once more returned to The Friendly Kobold where they initially where going to spend the time until the merchant would show up, but with money being a concern, the group deiced to look into the warehouse being overrun by critters for which Victor still had an mission for. And after venturing to the docks and meeting with the merchant in quests, Tobias Scherer the group learned about the urgency of the matter. They also talked to a dockworker who was attacked. After this they made their way towards the warehouse, where they, away from the Hussle and bustle from the docks saw the "guards" keeping an eye on the warehouse.
Report Date
10 Nov 2021

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