Session 12: Saviors of the Tasman Report in Demergion | World Anvil
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Session 12: Saviors of the Tasman

General Summary

After spotting the mast of thr Tasman, it wasn't long before the Porpoise made it to a possition from which the crew could embark.
  Already aware of the many goblins it wasn't long before a fight broke out. Which featured magic, from both sides as well as a magical sword. Intially held back by the ice, the group eventually dealt with all but two of the goblins. But the group was quite exausted at the end of this fight. And Holly and Rosa found the captain and what remained of the Tasman's crew.
  As a reward for their assitance, the party was handed the Captain's strongbox, which should contain gold and a gem. But damaged in the fight it wouldn't easily give up it's secrets.
Report Date
19 Jan 2022

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