Leonie Rottmayr Character in Demergion | World Anvil
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Leonie Rottmayr

Leonie Rottmayr

Second in command under Captain Paley Harrington, who mutinied after she got her hands on an ancient treasure map. The crew, especially the Marines where more than eager to join her, and the mutiny was a massive success, with now deaths an few injuries and only captain Harrington in chains. The following months the crew spend chasing the riddles on the map, which saw them sailing through dangerous waters and eventually attacked by another Pirate Crew, this fight ended with a costly stalemate during which both sides where heavily damaged and many lives where lost, and captain Herrington managed to escape, and join the wounded pirates. The Porpoise was deemed to damaged and reluctantly returned back to Neuhafen sustaining more losses on the way due to lack of water, food and supplies. Leonie survived, having lost an eye in the fight, and was dishonorably discharged and imprisoner until recently after her actions came to light.    After her recent release Leonie has been rebuilding her life, banking on the support of her elderly father who still loved his only daughter, despite her disgrace. She also has been in contact with accomplices from the mutiny, and has been working with members from the Graziosi Dockyard to ensure she would get access to the ship. 
Current Location
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
Year of Birth
27 PD 38 Years old
Blue, left one missing
Blonde, long, ponytail.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned, scarred

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