Dealing with Corruption Plot in Demergion | World Anvil
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Dealing with Corruption

Adventure Overview

Adventure Cause

World Events?

The Wright shall rise soon, and the The Tollers have found a couple of lingering beasts which contain enough energy to empower the wright.

How does the party learn about this Quest?

The Monk of the Tolling Bell drawn in by the figthing and the necromatic energies happens to be in the area and sees what's up, en they could need a hand.

Adventure Information

Rundown of the Adventure

A Corrupted giant Centipede (Young Remorhaz, with a touch of Necromatic damage) has been consumeing the corpses buried in a nearby graveyard. This graveyard has been places there to facilitate mining accidents, a small nearby chapel to Lathander overlooked these resting places, but now this corrupted insect and it's kin reside in the mountain side overlook. This temple is roughly 2 hour from Adrian's Supplies heading South into a more hillier part of the area.

Who is involved in the adventure?

Who is behind the adventure? (BBEG)
These bodies have been slowly getting corrupted by the wright essence that permiates the area suringing the Wright-keep. These miners especially are vessels for this essence as the minerals they mined attracted it and them dying in close proximity drew in even more.

What happened already?

When did it happen?

  • These Centipedes have been cosuming these corpses for many years, which have remained fresh because of the essence that infuece them
  • About a week ago, the essence in one of the centipedes caused it to swell and mutate.

Where did it happen?

  • A Small chaple on the top of the hill overlooking an old Lead mine.
    • The mine was called: Marvin & Tim Lead Co. This was the only lead mine in the area, and it is in the rough/hilly area to the east of Inverniss (~4mi.). The mine is places in a vale between two steep hills, a small man-made canal provides water, but has since been blocked.
    • The Chapel was nicknamed Miner's Overlook. It is places halfway up the northen hill (5m climb) cresting the mine. And is accible via a rickety stair.

Why did it happen?

The Wright's essence is everywhere, and clings to lead. The miners, wich have absorbed lead absorb the essence and the cetipedes consuming the flesh also eat the essence. This essence condences as black ichor when it's concentrated enough, before that it isn't noticable.

Player Information

Who is the Quest Giver?

A Toller by the name Theresa. She is send to deal with the beasts but isn't sure she can handle it allone. As she is more of a speaky person.

What happened?

A beast has made it's home in a nearby cemetary, and I need to kill it. She could be presured to discose that she needs a material from the creature.

How does the QG want this resolved?

Kill the Beast, she is joining on the endeavor.

What does the QG offer

She offer a ring, which allows the user to cast the invisiblity spell once per long rest.

DM Information

Combat Information

  • 1 Corrupted Young Remorhaz
  • 3 Giant Centipedes
  • 4 Corrupted Miner Zombies

Other Information

  • The Old lead mine still is quite contamintated, and might pose a health risk if investaged too closly


Assisting NPCs

  • Theresa, a Monk of the Tollers, with support utility.



  • The Temple Candelabras: 2x15GP
  • Damaged Temple prayer book: 25GP
  • Colletion Box: 9GP, 26SP, 35CP


  • Ring of invisibility

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