Derridee Holt the Beloved, Kashur of the Ruby Steeple Character in Delta Confederation | World Anvil
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Derridee Holt the Beloved, Kashur of the Ruby Steeple

Derridee Holt's bubbly demeanor and accommodating nature maker her popular in her parish and across the city. Dedicated to Wee Jas, the Ruby Steeple of the Vanity Parish caters to high society, and those who would be. As its the Kashur of the Ruby Steeple, and Senior Assemblyone of the Vanity Parish, she is perfectly poised to have access to movers and shakers in every sphere of influence in the Delta. Vanity is one of the few things most of them have in common, after all.

  A trusted confidante and habitually the belle of the ball, Derridee is as well known for her tips on beauty and ettiquette as her thoughtful advice in love and business. Wise beyond her apparent years, she is also the height of elegance and fashion. She is routinely mentioned in the same breath as such legendary beauties of the Delta as Chalcedony Oxtemeron, Desirene of Listai, and Sunny Angelsong. Under her guidance, the Ruby Spire's influence has become the Delta's most influential temple to Wee Jas. Her parishioners consistently find their fortunes and status advancing under her guidance.

  Derridee's waist length red tresses are always immaculately styled. Even her casual and traveling clothes are perfectly cut and tastefully decorated with something expensive.

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