Ser Indignus Thrune Character in Dead World | World Anvil
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Ser Indignus Thrune

Ser Indignus Thrune (a.k.a. Knight of Pride)

The guard of Queen Abrogail III, Ser Indignus is one of the most combat trained of the Knights of Sin. He earned his title by defeating the previous knight of pride in 2090.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born to serve Indignus spent his life training to be a member of the queen's guard. The training was brutal as he served directly under Ser Infrexus Thrune and learned most of his lessons through the pain of failure. When he finally got the position of royal guard he quickly rose through the ranks and became second only to Ser Galt.
Current Location
Currently Held Titles
Short Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Sterling Platinum
6' 2"
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
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