Prosperity Domain Spell in D&D world | World Anvil
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Prosperity Domain

The gods of prosperity hold influence over trade, wealth, good fortune, and success. They are patrons of those who make their living through the lawful exchange of currency for goods and services, from a humble child shining shoes for copper pieces to the powerful merchant at the head of a successful international trading company. The gods of prosperity teach that wealth and success are the results of diligence and sound judgement, and that by applying these principles, even the meagerest of enterprises can produce meaningful income. Clerics of these deities are known for to be shrewd but fair, and their temples often also serve a banks of impeccable repute. Their clergy are often called upon as third party negotiators, business consultants or financial counselors, money changers, and lenders.   While clerics of other domains may gather alms for the poor, clerics of prosperity follow the philosophy of the old adage: "Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime." Though clerics of prosperity may make donations to the poor, they prefer to invest in them instead by using what money would have been given as a handout to purchase an indenture of apprenticeship from a successful craftsman for them. Clerics of this domain most often follow God Shet and God Beluar.   Prosperity Domain Features   Cleric Level Feature   1st Domain Spells, Business Sense, Blessing of Silver   2nd Channel Divinity: Haggle, Channel Divinity: Stop Thief   6th Soul of Commerce   8th Auspicious Auditing (1d6)   14th Auspicious Auditing (2d6)   17th Prophet of Profit   Domain Spells   You gain domain spells at the cleric levels listed in the Prosperity Domain Spells table. See the Divine Domain class feature for how domain spells work.   Prosperity Domain Spells   CLERIC LEVEL SPELLS   1st alarm, identify   3rd arcane lock, detect thoughts   5th glyph of warding, tongues   7th guardian of faith, secret chest   9th arcane hand, skill empowerment   Business Sense   At 1st level, your divinely inspired business sense grants you the ability manipulate the line between success and failure. You learn the guidance cantrip and the resistance cantrip, which don’t count against the number of cleric cantrips you know. For you, they have a range of 30 feet, and you can cast either as a bonus action.   Blessing of Silver   At 1st level, you gain the ability to bless a weapon with the properties of silver. At the end of a long rest, you can touch a number of simple or martial weapons equal to your Wisdom modifier. For the purposes of this blessing, 10 pieces of ammunition counts as 1 weapon. Until the end of your next long rest or until you die, the weapons are considered silvered weapons. Though this effect is magical in nature, it does not cause a nonmagical weapon to become magical.   Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.   Channel Divinity: Haggle   Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity to sharpen your wits and silver your tongue to get the best prices.   For 1 hour, you gain advantage on any skill checks you make against any creatures to negotiate prices (haggle). Each time you succeed on a skill check to purchase goods or services, you pay half price. Each time you succeed on a skill check to sell goods or services, you are paid double what was offered or its full value, whichever is higher. If you fail a haggling check, you pay (if buying) or are paid (if selling) normal price, and may not attempt another check against the same creature and cannot benefit from this effect against it again for the next 7 days.   This effect will not benefit you if the creature you attempt to haggle with is a construct, undead, or has an Intelligence score of 4 or less.   Channel Divinity: Stop Thief   Starting at the 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity to stop thieves in their tracks.   As an action, you present your holy symbol and speak a prayer condemning thievery. Each thief that can see or hear you within 30 feet of you must make a Wisdom saving throw. If the creature fails its saving throw, it is restrained for 1 minute or until it takes any damage.   For the purpose of this feature, a thief is any creature with an Intelligence score greater than 4 that intends in the next 10 minutes to or has in the past 10 days relieved another creature of its property in an unlawful manner. For example: a burglar who attempted to rob a house 2 days ago or a bandit troop in the preparing to ambush a group of passers-by would qualify, while guards confiscating your weapons in the execution of their duties, merchants capitalizing on unethical but not illegal practices, or a government representative executing power of eminent domain would not.   Soul of Commerce   Starting at 6th level, you establish a small business of your own which generates weekly income.   At the 6th level, your business has a base profit of 500 gp per week. As you reach higher levels, the profit your business makes each week increases as your company makes a name for itself and you grow more influential. Your business's base income increases to 5,000 gp per week at the 11th level, and to 20,000 gp per week at the 17th level.   Every week, you roll 1d12 see how much money your business made (or lost). You make this roll regardless of whether or not present to run the business; it is assumed you have hired one or more creatures you trust (such as acolytes of your god's clergy) to manage the business in your absence. Employees of your business are able to cast identify to appraise items. Unless your business does poorly, it is assumed that it managed to cover its own expenses for the week, including employee wages, daily upkeep and maintenance, taxes, etc.   ROLL OUTCOME   1 Your business did poorly, failing even to cover expenses. You gain no profits and owe an amount of gp equal to your business's base profit out of pocket.   If you are unable to pay this amount, your business closes down until the debt is paid.   2 Your business managed to break even, covering its own expenses, but making no profit.   3-4 Your business experienced slow custom. You gain 25% of your business's profits.   5-8 Your business did a fair turn of trade. You gain 50% of your business's profits.   9-11 Your business fared well. You gain 100% of your business's profits.   12+ Business was booming this week. You gain 200% of your business's profits.   Additionally, you and any creature you designate may purchase items from or sell items to your business at an improved rate. If you or a creature you designate purchases an item from your business at a discounted rate, subtract the difference between the price paid and the item's value from the business' income for that week. If you or a creature you designate sells an item to your business at a higher than usual rate, subtract the difference between the price paid and the item's value from the business' income for that week. If you or a creature you designate donates an item to your business, increase its profits for that week by an amount equal to the value of the item donated.   A creature that sells or donates an item to your business may change their mind and purchase the item back for the same amount of gp the item was exchanged for. However, this exchange must happen before the business's profits are rolled for that week. Once the profits are rolled, the item is presumed to have been sold off.   You may determine what kind of items you want your business to deal in, but your DM decides what specific items your business has in stock each week.   Your DM may decide your business is susceptible to theft or other forms of misfortune which would reduce your business's profit each week. It is up to your DM to decide how to handle such misfortunes and what your options are to mitigate losses. Some ideas might be hiring security, or some form of insurance policy.   Auspicious Auditing   At 8th level, your deity's divine influence brings you good fortune when it comes to finding treasure. Whenever you are awarded treasure in the form of coins or currency, gems, jewelry, art objects, or trade goods as a result of an encounter, roll a d6 and multiply the result by 10. Increase the value of the treasure you receive by a percentage equal to that amount. For example, a roll of 2 would yield a 20% increase in the gp value of any treasure you receive for that encounter while a roll of 5 would yield a 50% increase in value. When you reach 14th level, the percentage roll increases to 2d6.   Prophet of Profit   At 17th level, your commercial influence becomes more powerful. You gain the following benefits:   When you use the wish spell to create an item worth 25,000 gp, it counts as a basic use of the spell for you, and does not cause the spell's usual stress for casting the spell to achieve this effect.   Your business established by your Soul of Commerce feature has grown into a successful large-scale enterprise that is too big to fail. When you roll to determine its profits for the week, add you spellcasting ability modifier (minimum: 1) to the roll's result to determine how your business fared.   When you roll to increase the value of treasure awarded during an encounter as part of your Auspicious Auditing feature, add your spellcasting ability modifier (minimum:1) to the roll's result to determine the percentage of increased value.   You gain the ability to barter with your god using power as a trade currency. As an action on your turn, you may do business with your deity to purchase or sell unused spell slot of any level.   When you purchase a spell slot, you or a creature you designate willing to receive one gains an additional, unspent spell slot of the purchased level. Any spell slot you purchase with this feature vanishes when the creature receiving it expends it to cast a spell or when it finishes a long rest. When you sell a spell slot, you may sell an unused spell slot of your own, or one belonging to a willing creature. The creature whose spell slot is being sold chooses what level spell slot they are selling. When a spell slot is sold, it is expended.   Your deity is unaffected by any ability you possess to influence the price of something bought or sold.   SPELL SLOT   Level PURCHASE PRICE SELL PRICE   1st 100 gp 50 gp   2nd 300 gp 150 gp   3rd 750 gp 375 gp   4th 1,500 gp 750 gp   5th 3,000 gp 1,500 gp   6th 6,000 gp 3,000 gp   7th 12,500 gp 6,250 gp   8th 25,000 gp 12,500 gp   9th 50,000 gp 25,000 gp   Alternatively, you and your deity may barter with services, specific actions, or other alternative forms of currency in exchange for spell slots. This form of bartering and its implementation are at your DM's digression.

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