Force Dragons Species in D&D world | World Anvil
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Force Dragons

Force dragons are extremely powerful, arrogant, and aloof dragons.

Basic Information


Force dragons are completely odorless.

Growth Rate & Stages

Newly hatched force dragons have translucent scales that resembled shimmering diamonds. As they age, their innate manipulation of force make them harder and harder to see, until, at the peak of their power, they become completely invisible.

Civilization and Culture

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

In general, force dragons do not have any interest in talking to other races, judging all of them inferior to their own. The only other races respected by force dragons are prismatic dragons and some deities. However, many take almost a parental role towards chromatic and metallic dragons.   It is rare for force dragons to provoke a combat, but they defend their territories with relentless fury until every trespasser is killed or driven away. Their natural ability to manipulate force makes it easy for them to deflect incoming attacks, so they are extremely hard to hit, with their natural scales nearly impenetrable.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Average Height
30 feet tall
Average Weight
10,240,000 pounds
Average Length
165-173 feet long, with a 47-49 foot long body, 47-49 foot long neck, and 71-75 foot long tail.
Average Physique
Body width is 22.5 feet, with a maximum wingspan of 202-225 feet and the ability to fly in a space as small as 90 feet across.

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