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Days Gone By


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Society has crumbled due to an unknown outbreak of the Parasite X-32, thought to be the mutually assured destruction caused by the dropping of atomic bombs worldwide, many have retreated to the use of of large bomb shelters ran by the company Resurgo, the same company investigated for the experimentation and genetic creation of the Parasite X-line. Those not sheltered in large expansive shelters tried to hide out or continue regular life, but that was found difficult when, starting in the area of Georgia, plant, animal, and human life alike began to change, blood spilling on blood that caused people to either shrivel and die, their bodies incapable of harnessing the gift of X, or evolving, their bodies supercharged by a parasite which created peak efficiency within the creature's body. Plants grew to tower over those that couldn't, animals evolved based on what was their best traits, and humans either became mutants (a new subrace of human based on their own luck of DNA and parasite combination), or an X-32 lurker. The mutants grouped together the best they could to fight back against monsters, lurkers, and other groups alike. They created complex societies and cultures based on the remnants of society and the parasite itself, Some claiming they are blessed by god. Some a god. Some stronger than others as knights of their god. The powerful rose and the weak were culled. Society broken down to the most animalistic thing it could be. The lurkers tend to travel in packs, elongated and fearsome creatures that move at inhuman speeds based on their optimized body structure and kill mindset, their mouth unhinging and dashing towards whatever unlikely soul happened to be close, but unable to fight other lurkers due to some connection between whatever mind is there. Resurgo continues on, and will utilize this to the best of their ability.

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