Creation Myth of the Multiverse Myth in Darkguard | World Anvil
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Creation Myth of the Multiverse

The Primordial Plane and the Calm Plane

Before anything existed, there was a god and goddess, ones that lived in a place that would be incomprehensible to mortals, and they resembled that cosmic terror themselves. They, and the deities that they though into existence, were the Old Gods. The Primordial Plane was where the goddess Agh'tzulge resided, and she governed the very forces of chaos, destruction, and life. The god Fengthuye lived in the Calm Plane, where he was in charge of war, law, and all things related to civilization. They governed over their own followers, which we mortals now call aberrations, until some of the now forgotten gods had their bloodlines evolve into something more benign.  

The First True Gods

  One deity from the Primordial Plane and the Calm Plane, Seltor and Valniet respectively, had a child that represented a link between law and chaos: Therro, who would become the god of light and become the first Neutralius. Seen as freaks, they were banished from the two planes, and they were given a world known as the Prison Plane, which had nothing but barren gray rock. However, the gods were still quite powerful, so they managed to secretly create followers for them, and those followers would believe in them for giving them food, shelter, and technology. That belief would blossom into even more gods, which would form the world around them from the Prison Plane into what is now known as Darkguard, the last safe haven against the darkness of the multiverse.  

The Uprising

  The true gods were now six strong, being Seltor, Valniet, Therro, Blaviert, Nontellok, and Paragon. Their own myths are detailed elsewhere. They have been getting into feuds over their domains, and the elves and dwarves that had been created by the Primordials and Calmkin (respectively) were willing to serve as an army. They marched forth upon the two planes and fought valiantly against the monstrosities, until they had to split up to take down Agh'tzulge and Fengthuye quicker, as they had taken heavy losses. As the planes were polar opposites in relevance to the multiverse, when the two gods were slain and their bodies turned into the Chaotic Sea and Lawful Tree, the Sea ended up being upside down over the Tree. Darkguard was in the very center, and that is how the multiverse ended up forming in the span of a thousand years.

Historical Basis

Since the gods themselves are pretty much proven to be real, including the Old Gods, there is almost no denying that something like this happened. Despite that, some skeptics say the the True Gods never existed in the first place and some other force prevented the Old Gods from taking control of Darkguard.


It is pretty much known to everyone from Ashtree, as well as to some people from the Duchy of Lestrand and Haralyn. Most children are taught it once they're old enough to read or at the very least speak.

Variations & Mutation

The elves' and dwarves' versions focus much more on their own accomplishments, though the elves obviously aren't proud of what their ancestors did during the battle. The dwarves really went ham on describing the violence and how much the two sides despised each other, including boasting about their own exploits during the battle. Southern Ashtree has a variation that is much less violent, too, where the Old Gods were simply locked away somewhere to sleep for an indefinite time. That may sound morbid, and it's actually more terrifying than the regular version, as the Old Gods could wake up at any time and destroy everything.
Date of First Recording
Unknown, though the Ashlian tribes in the area are thought responsible for creating this myth.
Date of Setting
From 1/1/1000 DE to the beginning of the Civilized Era, 1/1/1 CE.
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