Daemonicron Item in Dark Monsterverse | World Anvil
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A curious tome of unknown origins of which only one copy exists. Attempts to copy from it's pages has always ended in disaster and often the disapearance of the reader, sometimes with parts or pieces of them left as a warning to other curious souls. To say the book has an apetite is an understatement as it has bound within it's curiously undecayed bindings a creature from the ethereal. Considered a demon by those who have encountered the book, it has been theorised to be a guardian of sorts. Placed to guard this tome from being decophered or read by any other then it's true owner. However considering the presumed great age of this tome (a few pages have been confirmed to be papyrus) it is unlikely that they are still in a condition to remove any curse ot binding placed upon this detested book. Since it's official discovery in 1901 it has killed three curious souls and injured another 8. Attatching itself to the victims face and usually suffocating them, or even removing the entire face and causing death from shock and blood lose.    The secrets within thise tome seem to relate to the ancient magics of Mu in a more practical sense then the convoluted double meaning's of many later texts. Considering the Mumian's prefering living libraries of preserved and reanimated human beings to pass on knowledge and learning it is unlikely that this book decends from that lost continent. it's differentiation from Egyptian texts has also discredited it being an original from the First Kingdom of Egypt, which maintained some of the traditions of that vanished people. As such the book remains a tantalising enigma to history and occultism. The few succesful attempts to gain it's jelously guarded knowedge have come at high cost with the book itself seeming to activate copied formulae without proper protection in place to destroy any priers into it's many secrets. The malevolent will bound within it has often had an effect on those within close proximity, often tempting them to open or otherwise interfier with the dangerous book.    Considering the encounters had with demons, this isn't particularly unusual if compared to examples of possesion where the Demon will often utelise the brain of the possesed in order to think, scheme and manipulate. This is not evidenced in pursung or fully manifested demons which seem much more animalistic in nature. With no brain function or organ aparatus at all to utelise, the presence in the Daemonicron presents a problem from exorsism as there is no opposong will within it's "host" to enact any from of exorcism. Suggestions to burn the tome have been made several times but the fear of releasing it's evil inteligence has so far prevented this drastic step from being taken.

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