X-Ray Lasers Technology / Science in Dark Horizons | World Anvil
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X-Ray Lasers

X-ray lasers, sometimes called "x-blasters" or "xasers" in pop media, are blasters that operate in soft-xray wavelengths. Such high energy wavelengths are achieved by using a synchrotron to accelerate a beam of electrons to relativistic speeds and then passing it through an oscillating magnetic field.   While the field oscillations may have a wavelength on the order of a meter, time dialation due to relativistic effects on the electrons cause them to experience sub-nanometer wavelength oscillations that cause them to emmit high coherent energy x-ray photons. This beam is passed through a cryogenically-cooled focusing apparatus in the turret, that steers and focuses the beam on the target.   Due to the additional equipment required to generate the laser light, these weapons requrie large platforms, like spacefaring destroyers and battleships. Moreover, x-ray lasers are rapidly absorbed in atmospheres, making them generally ill-suited for endoatmospheric operations.
Parent Technologies

General Information

Access & Availability
X-ray lasers have no civilian or police applications, and their large size relegates them to vehicular weapon batteries. That said, their astounding range and penetrative capability ahve earned them a home on most large modern spacefaring warships.
Like all lasers, blasters require accurate rangefinding and an accurate computer to calculate and adjust the beam's focus. Moreover, these very high energy free electron lasers require miniaturized syncrotrons to pump their beams. Such technology requires the intervention of a member of the Astrianic Church during design and manufacturing to oversee such sacrilegious technology.

Other Lasers


Other Directed Energy Weapons

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