Session 3: Death House Report Report in Dark Domains of Ravenloft | World Anvil
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Session 3: Death House Report

The ghosts of Rose and Thorn, not being able to truly move on, bind themselves to Thiala, who they've taken to as a surrogate parent, occasionally possessing her granting her useful abilities but also some flaws.

General Summary

The travelers continued their exploration of Durst Manor first dealing with the Animated Armor that attacked them on the 3rd floor landing. Exploring the remainder of the floor they found the resteless Specter of the Durst's nursemaid and found the secret passage leading to the attic. There they found the ghosts of Rose and Thorn Durst. Thiala befriended the two young ghosts and the heroes promised to defeat the monster in the basement and set their spirits free. In return Rose shows them her dollhouse which is a perfect replica of the manor, revealing the secret passage to the catacombs below.


Decending into the dark the travelers worked their way through the catacombs, discovering its origins and the horrors that still remained, accompanied by a ghostly chanting coming from its depths: "His name is ancient, his name is life." A large Grick was nearly Gravetender and Dark Jade's end and a mimic disguised as a door nearly engulfed Thialia. A third chamber contianed a wooded statue in the likeness of Count Strahd holding a crystal orb in his right hand. Upon picking up the orb using her mage hand spell the shadows of the room came alive and attacked the party and the twisted ghastly forms of the mister and misses Durst assaulted them in the process. Only one thing remained, the lower chambers, but that would have to wait for another day.


Wounded and exhausted the party returns to the upper manor, mending their wounds, and preparing themselves for what was sure to be another perilous battle. During this time Gravetender takes the bones of Rose, Thorn, and their parents setting them in the crypts made for them in the catacombs. Their souls finally laid to proper rest.


The travelers, now rested, headed to the final chamber of the catacombs and the source of the evil that has locked them in this house. Thiala investigated the dias and alter, where the evil spirits demanded a sacrifice. Refusing to give the dark sprits what they desired, the placed summoned its greatest protector, a shambling mound. A furious battle ensued, but with bow, hammer, and a thunderous shout, the heroes defeated the massive corrupted plant.


The house was now free of the corruption that it had fed on for so long. Unfortunately, that also meant that some of the place's magic faded as well. Gone was the unlimited food in the kitchen and the limitless fires in the fireplaces, the shine too was gone. Lazlo didn't care though, it was enough to finally have a place to live that wasn't haunted.


The travelers find that not all is well though. The ghosts of Rose and Thorn return, their spirits unable to pass beyond the mists of Barovia. Even in death one can not escape Barovia it would seem. To compound matters, Count Strahd Von Zorovich himself visits in his dark carriage, demanding introductions and welcoming them all to his domain. He will be watching.


After some further rest, the group makes plans to explore the village the next day.

Rewards Granted


  1. Three Blank Books with black leather covers (worth 25 gold each)
  2. Three spell scrolls (Bless, Protection from Poison, and Spiritual Weapon)
  3. Original deed to house, a windmill, and a signed will


  1. Jewelry box made of silver and gold filigree (worth 75 gold) containing:
  2. 3 Gold Rings (worth 25 gold each)
  3. A thin platinum necklace with a topaz pendant (worth 750 gold)


Cultist's Chests:

  1. 11 gold pieces, 60 silver pieces
  2. 3 moss agates (worth 10 gold each) in a piece of folded black cloth
  3. Black leather eyepatch with a carnelian (worth 50 gold) sewn into it
  4. Ivory hairbrush with silver bristles (worth 25 gold)
  5. Silvered Shortsword (worth 110 gold)

  1. Smokey grey crystal orb (arcane focus)
  2. *Magical cloak
  3. 4 potions of healing
  4. Chain shirt
  5. Mess Kit
  6. 1 Flask of Alchemists Fire
  7. Bullseye Lantern
  8. Set of Thief's tools
  9. Spellbook with a yellow leather cover containing:
    1st level: disguise self, identify, mage armor, magic missle, protection from evil and good
    2nd level: darkvision, hold person, invisibility, magic weapon

Missions/Quests Completed

Escape Death House

Character(s) interacted with

Created Content

Possession by Rose or Thorn gives both advantages and disadvantages. A possessed creature retains full control of their body and decision making, however those decisions may be influenced by the flaws obtained. When not possessing a person their spirits cannot leave the house. If they are forced out of a body while away from the house, they reappear in the house 24 hours later.


The possessed creature's Charisma becomes 17 (same as Rose and Thorn) and gains proficiency in Charisma saves. A possessed creature also gains the following attack:
Withering Touch
Melee Weapon Attack (Dexterity), Reach 5 ft., one target
Hit: 17 (4d6 + Dexterity modifier) necrotic damage

Rose grants the possessed creature advantage on Charisma (Persuasion) checks Wisdom (Insight) checks to soothe tense situations or emotions. However, the possessed creature gains the following flaw: "I like being in charge and get angry when other people tell me what to do."


Thorn grants the possessed creature advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks to hide and can use the dash action as a bonus action. However, the possessed creature gains the following flaw: " I'm scared of everything, including my own shadow, and weep with despair when things don't go my way."


Entered Durst Manor Evening of 9/15/735; Rested to 9/16/735
Explored manor and first floor of catacombs; Rested to 9/17/735
Catacombs cleansed and bodies laid to rest; Visit from Strahd; Rested to 9/18/735
Dreams of Mist and Blood
Aukan "Gravetender" Katho-Olavi
sage goliath ()
twilight cleric 5
40 / 40 HP
Thiala Galanodel
Neutral Evil Dhampir (Soldier)
Wizard 9
Fighter 3
108 / 108 HP
Neutrial Tabaxi (Outlander)
Ranger 3
35 / 35 HP
Player Journals
Meeting the One who Recued Me by Thiala Galanodel
Report Date
21 Mar 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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