Rollypuds Species in Dark Arcadia | World Anvil
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Tired from a long day of work, a young man strolls down the sandy wash leading through the ranch. Absentmindedly, he kicks a few loose stones, one of which flips over and tumbles down the hill a ways before looking back uphill with an indignant, beady-eyed expression.      Rollypuds are round, leathery skinned lizards which fit almost perfectly in a palm. Their rotund, stout body frame makes them useless at running, and in fact they often tumble head over heels if trying to go too fast. However, they are perfectly build to hide in the environments in which they live - open, rocky or sandy areas. They blend in almost perfectly with small clusters of stone, where they peacefully feed on beetles and bits of moss.      While they make good food, they are most highly prized by people as pets. The little things are docile and considered adorable by most. It isn't uncommon to find aristocrats hiding Rollypuds in the sleeves of their formal gowns. Young children also enjoy playing with them, and someone with a good eye can usually find one when out walking in rural areas. Some of the more crueler children unavoidably invent games like balls and pins to play by rolling the poor creatures down a hill.

Basic Information


The Rollypud has four stubby legs not dissimilar to an elephants. These are not good for running, but when pulled to the round little creature's sides do make them look incredibly like stones.

Genetics and Reproduction

Mating takes place during the spring rain, when floods push large numbers of them close together. The days after rainstorms are usually accompanied by the loud calls of courting Rollypuds.

Growth Rate & Stages

Rollypuds lay eggs, and spend about a two weeks in this state. When they hatch, they are small, softer versions of the adults. As they grow, over a lifetime of 20-40 years, their skin becomes more stony and darker. Because of their light skin color when they are young, they tend to burrow under stones where they can hide better.

Ecology and Habitats

Rollypuds live in arid, stony areas where they can hide well in the rocks and where floods will occur to kickstart their mating season. Because they rely so much on their camouflage, they are at a severe disadvantage where they cannot hide.

Dietary Needs and Habits

For the most part, a Rollypud will sit still. Patient hunters, they wait for a beetle to walk past and snatch it up. Other times, they will trundle along looking for bits of vegetation to eat. They need very little water, though it isn't uncommon to see several clustering near small pools or streams. Territorial, they will fight one another to protect food sources.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Their eyesight is less than perfect, with small beady black eyes. They do however, have an excellent sense of smell and will rub up against things to absorb their scent.

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