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Once a land of sword and sorcery, the world has evolved rapidly with the eruption of magic-based technology. This technology has not only allowed the common-folk to experience a lifestyle dreamt about only a few generations ago, but has allowed for a boom in academia.   But as this arcane technology keeps building and building, the old world's cracks begin to show more and more under the strain of advancement. Monarchies begin getting questioned, nations under imperial rule start to second guess their alliances, all leading to some worrying about the future.   Though under the skin of this potential conflict, new mysteries are being unearthed. What is the nature of the other planes of reality? What does it mean to be a god in an age where man edges ever closer to your power? How much of the world remains hidden away, yet to be discovered?   With every new magic-fueled artifact, the pressure on the world builds more and more. Will the old world find a way to survive the change, adapting to the new norms? Or will it crack and crumble, leading to conflict on a scale never seen?

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