The Seven Hells Geographic Location in Danaeries | World Anvil
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The Seven Hells

As you open your eyes, the stench of sulfur surrounds you, and all you can see is a pit beneath you, as you fall. You try to scream, but the wind whipping past your face steals the sound before you can even make it. You can see a giant building beside you that you are falling past, with each level larger than the last. Finally, on the third level down you can start to see inside, but your eyes must be deceiving you. You see a river of molten gold, with men and women screaming as they try desperately to stay above the waves of liquid metal. You close your eyes for what seems like an eternity, until you feel your body slam into the ground. You can hear, and feel, your bones cracking and splintering, but you do not die. Instead your body heals, almost immediately, but a deep pain remains. As you stand, you see what appears to be an elf, dressed in fine clothes and carrying a bundle of papers. He consults the papers s her looks you up and down. You then notice the long, black tail coming from behind him and the small red horns on top of his head.   "We've been expecting you!" he joyfully exclaims, reaching for your arm. "Welcome to Hell, or more specifically, the circle of Pride!"


Hell is a giant pit, with a Castle built into the wall the top and a very tall, very wide tower in the center, held aloft by chains forged in an unkown, unbreakable metal.
Dimensional plane
Characters in Location

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