Gnome Species in Danaeries | World Anvil
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Gnomes are creatures with some ties to the Fae, and they have very light Fae magic. Gnomes are small creatures, standing around 3’6”to 4’6”, and usually weighing in around 30-50lbs. They don’t have a society, and usually live solitary lives, or in pairs, and they are famous for their keen curiosity and sense of adventure. They prefer the wilds, but don’t like to stay in one place for long, preferring a nomadic lifestyle. Gnomes tend to avoid cities, only venturing into town if they have business there, and often putting it off as long as they can. Gnomes love to play pranks, but try to keep damage to a minimum. They don’t want to hurt anyone, just have some fun.

Basic Information


Gnomes are small, but colorful. They can be any color, including skin, hair, and eyes. And, as per their Fae blood, they can change their skin, hair, and eye color at will, and change their hair length at will.
Scientific Name
Homo Laetus
150 Years
Average Height
4 Ft 1 Inch
Average Weight
40 Lbs

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