Manafort Witch and Rogue Academy Building / Landmark in Dali'en | World Anvil
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Manafort Witch and Rogue Academy

The Manafort Witch and Rogue Academy is a religious academy that teaches Magic, martial arts, and "what's needed to survive" to those that enroll in it. Enrollment is free as long as the students pay a percentage of their earnings during their studies to the academy. The academy is notorious for producing Rogues.

Purpose / Function

Teach Magology, martial arts, and general knowledge to their students.


Minor alterations, relatively often.


The school notoriously contains traps and Illusions. Some say that students that wander off the halls might never be found again.


While part of Ironcamp the citizen often held protests to close the academy, but the changes have been denied by the Violet Throne since they have found nothing wrong with a few deaths here and there.   It's had great success ever since Manafort became part of the Violet Throne.
Founding Date
304 AoL
Alternative Names
Academy of Manafort
Parent Location
Related Professions
Ruling/Owning Rank

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