Festival of the Leviathans Tradition / Ritual in Dali'en | World Anvil
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Festival of the Leviathans

Festival of the Leviathans is a yearly celebration of Magic that takes place on the 24th of Cepleg. It's celebrated for 8 days.


24th of Cepleg is the date when the first Leviathan Blood fell, and Magic became available to us.


  1. The first day of the Festival of Magic themes around Támúór, it's usually a day of beautiful displays of Magic and family events
  2. The second day is the day of The Hunter, tourneys and competitions are set on this day
  3. The day of the Moon, celebrations are held at night
  4. The day of the Sunchaser, celebrations are held early morning, usually are just the continuation of the day of the Moon
  5. The day of Haaiz is a day of resting
  6. The day of Vans-thator is a day of fighting monsters. Usually small straw-monsters are set up for children to hit with wooden swords
  7. The day of The Ancestral Demon is a day of deals and resolutions
  8. The day of Storm Serpent Akla is a day of cleansing and traveling at the end of the festival
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