The Scholars of the Archives Organization in Édafos | World Anvil
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The Scholars of the Archives

Fourth Pillar of Rule

The Scholars of the Archives are the minds behind every realm. Their influence came from the vast libraries from the races of the First Age. It is the only remaining connection between the realms of elf, dwarf and men. The Scholars were not originaly part of any kingdom or realm, but instead served themselves in the pursuit of knowledge and safeguarding it from those with malicious intent.  

Dwindeling Magic-Users

Since the rise of 'The United Church of Divinity' the number of magic-users has decreased among the scholars. The scholars have never revolted against the church's commands on the matter on magic, because the amount of magic users within the organisation never played a role in their self-appointed duties.  

Teachers of all Trades

The Scholars of the Archives have averted their studies of the arcane and have begun studying the science of engineering, alchemy and naturalism. Despite the Church's best effort, there are still a few arcane scholars left among the archives in the realms of men.
Educational, Society

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