Hala Goddess of Mercy & Redemption Character in Édafos | World Anvil
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Hala Goddess of Mercy & Redemption

A slave of the cruel families in Amn quitely sobs in the corner of the saltmines, hoping to be released from his painful existence. A knight in Waterdeep framed for the murder of his elder brother, rotting away in the deepest dungeon of the castle. He softly whispers, without anger, of his innocence hoping for a chance at clearing his name and unsully his honor. All these prayers and more are answered by Hala the Goddess of the Sorrowful realm.  

A Mother's Mercy

Hala is the Goddess of Mercy and redemption. Though mercy doesn't necessarily mean that to grant life. Some people know only suffering in their lives, Hala offers redemption to those willing and capable and mercy to those who are not.

Divine Domains

Healing, Grave

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A yellow rose with two curling horns portruding from it
Divine Classification

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