Alonnell God of Ambition, Adversity and Self-sacrifice Character in Édafos | World Anvil
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Alonnell God of Ambition, Adversity and Self-sacrifice

Warriors of all stripes pray to Alonnell, but not for an easy path or a guiding hand, they pray for the strength to endure of what's to come or for a challenge to test their might. Alonnell is well known among all realms of West-Édin, including the ancient kingdoms of the elves and dwarves. Though he is more commonly worshipped by men, for what kind of fool prays for strife and difficulty in it's life?   His symbol is usually a blue gem or crystal that representing a flame, with four blades crossing through it. There is however another version of his symbol with five blades crossing through a black gem, but The United Church of Divinity has proclaimed this symbol as blasphemy.   Those who are deemed worthy of truly willing to test their might can be given, no visions, but a rather uncanny sense of what to do or where to go. That being said he is also known to put obstacles on the paths of people if he believes it can help them unlock their potential.

Divine Domains

War, Protection

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Four swords crossing over a blue flame
Divine Classification

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