Ankheg Species in D&D | World Anvil


An ankheg resembles an enormous many-legged insect, its long antennae twitching in response to any movement around it. Its legs end in sharp hooks adaptedfor burrowing and grasping its prey, and its powerful mandibles can snap a small tree in half.  

Behaviour & Ecology

In the wilderness, an ankheg uses its powerful mandibles to dig winding tunnels deep beneath the ground. When it hunts, an ankheg burrows upward, waiting below the surface until its antennae detectmovement from above. Ankhegs are ambush predators, erupting from their burrows to seize prey in their mandibles, crushing and grinding the victim to an ugly death.      

Hunter & Gatherer Notes

In battle, an ankheg's chitinous shell offers excellent protection against cutting weapons and they're capable of spewing caustic acid when enraged. Ankhegs may hunt alone, or in tribes as large as a dozen. Worse yet, these ambushers are themselves tricky to surprise--an ankheg can sense every footfall of coming prey.   Like many insectoid monstrosities, an ankheg's chitin can be fashioned into lightweight armour if left intact. Pound for pound, the monstrosity's salivary glands, which produce their caustic acid, are among the most valuable organ, though the eyes and crop also hold value.