Laratia Character in Cytherea | World Anvil
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Laratia (lar-AY-she-ah) is the Cytherean goddess of the sun. She is said to be the most powerful of all the deities of Cytherea, despite being the most reclusive and rarely seen. She takes many forms, but is almost always seen as a female with brilliant golden hair which seems to radiate it's own light.   In Cytherean mythology, the sun was the enemy of mortals, long ago. Full of fire and wrath, the sun would scorch the surface of the planet regularly, driving mortals below ground to survive. They prayed and prayed to be saved from the wrath of the sun, and Laratia answered. She strode forth and stole fire from the sun, giving it to mortals. Weakened, the sun no longer had the power to scorch mortals as it once did, instead being forced by Laratia to grow their crops and warm their skin.   Laratia is worshipped by many from all walks of life. She is a general deity of good, and if commonly praised when good luck befalls a family (ex. when a large harvest is taken in, Laratia is thanked alongside any other gods thought to be responsible). Clerics of Laratia believe in general goodwill toward others, and that only by exemplifying the selflessness of Laratia can one truly enter her graces on death.
Laratia Holy Symbol
Holy Symbol
An eight pointed sun

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