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Cyphirius A Land of Beauty and Chaos


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Editorial Team

The World of Cyphirius

A land of serenity, but also one wracked with chaos and havoc. Upon the surface, are vast and endless grassy plains, towering mountain ranges, far and wide stretching arid deserts, and forests so deep and lush that you can get lost in minutes. Everything about the surface world is enchanting and alluring. But across the land lie entrances to what is deep below. Underneath the dirt and soil, hidden from view lies monstrous caverns of crystalline structures. Danger is aplenty down here with every creature hostile and dangerous. There is no predicting when a monster could jump out from nowhere and eliminate you with great ease.   For the most part, these two areas are separated by kilometres of dirt and stone. But for a brief moment, the ley lines that course through the world like Jörmungandr could open a wide ravine straight down to the crystal caverns and let loose savage and wild crystal beasts upon the surface world. The possibility of this occurring is low, but never zero, and if it does, the picturesque calmness of the surface world will clash with the savagery of the underground.  

Cyphirius' history

Cyphirius used to be but a planet filled with crystalline structures and rocky rubble. There was no life, no vegetation, just magical crystals charged with great power. But throughout time, suddenly life would start to grow upon the world of Cyphirius. Water would sometimes seep out of certain crystal types, and with that, life started to grow and prosper. And over a thousand years later, the world is now rich with flora and fauna. The gods, who had created Cyphirius over a thousand years ago, had not had any interest in the planet, since it was only a plain of rocks and crystals. But they decided that since life had started to prosper, that they would plant intelligent life all over the planet.   The first races who inhabited the planet was the Humans, the Dwarves, the Elves, the Gnomes, and the Halflings. They we're the only races who prospered across the lands of Cyphirius for a while, until the magical crystals started having some effect on certain parts of the world, and all of a sudden, the world was filled with all kinds on semi non humanoid races such as Dragonborns, Lizardfolk, Tabaxi and So forth.

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