Meronne-Valcyyven Disease Condition in Cykadia and Samarlina | World Anvil
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Meronne-Valcyyven Disease

Written by ThetaSigma

Meronne-Valcyyven Disease is a disease that commonly effects small children. It's usually not fatal with modern medicine, but for unknown reasons, children who contract Meronne-Valcyyv are left unable to produce sound with their vocal chords and their hearing and vision becomes impaired.

Transmission & Vectors

Meronne-Valcyyven Disease is transmitted mainly through food contamination.


Meronne-Valcyyven starts off looking like an ear infection or a cold. The child will have a sore throat and avoid speaking out complain of ear pain or tinnitus, though no fever is noticeably present.


Symptoms of Meronne-Valcyyven Disease Include, but are not limited to:  
  • Sore throat
  • Ear pain
  • Tinnitus
  • Fluid discharge from ears
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Slight fever or extreme fever
  • Vomiting
  • Hearing loss
  • Loss of sound being produced by vocal chords
  • Treatment

    Anti-biotics help heal you from Meronne-Valcyyven Disease, but as of yet, there is no way to prevent loss of sound production or the impairment of speech and vision.


    Likely outcome for children suffering from Meronne-Valcyyven Disease is a return to health after a few weeks. It is very rare for a child to die of Meronne-Valcyyven Disease.


    There will be permanent damage to the child's vocal chords, and hearing and visual problems are likely to arise. Chronic ear infections are common in those who've had Meronne-Valcyyven as children.

    Affected Groups

    Children seem to be the only group affected by this Disease. Adults who've eaten food with the Meronne-Valcyyven bacterium on it usually only wind up having a long night of vomiting to look forward to.

    Hosts & Carriers

    Meronne-Valcyyven bacterium can be found on pretty much any plant that can be consumed, but it's way more prevalent among tubers such as carrots and potatoes.


    Proper food preparation and harvesting to kill off Meronne-Valcyyven bactirium.


    The condition typically moves through the population because of improperly prepared produce. If a farmer doesn't perform the proper decontamination processes, then children who eat said produce are very likely to contact Meronne-Valcyyven.


    The first recorded outbreak of Meronne-Valcyyven Disease was back when Cycadia was still in its 'Living-Inside-Mountains' stage. The rather huge epidemic, which took place in the mountain cities of Meronne and Valcyyv, was one of the many reasons why Cycadians first began attempting to build proper cities outside the mountains and look into food hygiene.

    Cultural Reception

    People who've contracted Meronne-Valcyyven Disease in their childhood are percieved as no different than those who've gotten a cold. Meaning, no one particularly cares or considers it a taboo or something. If anything, Meronne-Valcyyven Disease helped a better version of non-verbal language to be formed and ensured that more people knew at least enough to communicate with people who had Meronne-Valcyyven as children.

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