Shohei Rodil Character in Cycles of Atem | World Anvil
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Shohei Rodil

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Anxious, unsure of himself, vulnerable, scared, hopeful, WEAK. Shohei is terrified of what and who he is. He has lived a loved and comfortable life, but on the inside, he has a deep dislike of who he is. He is easily scared and anxious, but he hides it with a mask of fake confidence. This mask however only makes him feel worse. Despite these negative feelings, he has an unparalleled hope for his life. He doesn’t let his anxiety dictate the type of person he is. He doesn’t blame other people for his problems, he blames himself. I want to make this character a person who deeply hates himself but wants to be better. He needs to be better. Shohei was born in the small village of Jij'ua to Yona and Albwin Rodil. Unbeknownst to him, his father Albwin was a "Kunigas", a class of extremely high ranked shamans within the world of Ye'shua

Mental Trauma

Shohei is deeply insecure in his place in his family and his position in the world. He is the only person known to not carry a pool of Atem, leading him to be known as "The Empty One". This gives him an intense feeling of isolation and resentment towards others, sometimes bordering on jealousy.
Circumstances of Birth
Shohei was found rather than born, he was found at the foot of a wyrmwood tree. Wyrmwood
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White
123 lbs

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