COBALT Organization in Cyberpunk: Promises Broken | World Anvil
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Cobalt Incorporated (sometimes referred to as COBALT ARMS, Cobalt Security Solutions, but most often just COBALT) is a mega-corporation focused on firearms, private security, home and office defense systems, and linear Gauss accelerator technology. COBALT has offices in Crescent City, Metro North, London, Minneapolis, and Kinshasa. COBALT the first major corporation to move its offices to Crescent City after the nuclear detonation in New Delta City left a cloud of nuclear fallout that hung over the city of Baton Rouge for 4 months. COBALT continues to invest in Crescent City, creating new jobs and using its own private security to lower instances of gun violence. COBALT and its rival small arms manufactures MERROW and MILITECH are largely responsible for the Stopping Power Wars. When COBALT first entered the scene in the early 2020s the most common pistol caliber was the 9mm Parabellum (679 Joules). Now COBALT's most popular handgun, the COBALT SLEDGEHAMMER 2 fires the .50 Cobalt High Power (2090 Joules)!

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