Cyberpunk time of the red 2022
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DataKrash, The 4th Corporate War, The Seven-Hour War.

  • Covert operations expand as Arasaka Security and Militech spar to see who will control the outcome of the CINO/OTEC War.
  • Roche Bartmoss, Netrunner supreme, is killed in a Corporate raid. Two weeks later, the dead man switch for his DataKrash virus activates. 
  • 4th Corporate War. Covert opertions eplode into a shooting war as Arasaka and Militech move front line troops into battle. The ensuing conflict involves operations all over the globe, with heavy combat in major cities worldwide.
  • The Chicago Rebuilding Project collapses as Arasaka Corporate factions detonate virus bombs in an effort to deny the city to the Militech side. 
  • DataKrash virus now infests 78.2% of the NET. Aware of the virus' potential, Saburo Arasaka sets out to create a secure database of uninfected knowledge in the new Arasaka Towers facility in Night City.
  • Seven-Hour War. Fed up with the fighting, Highriders at O'Neill Two declare independence, using deltas and scavenged mass drivers to drop dozens of lunar rocks and other "ortillery" at key sites all over the planet, causing widespread death and destruction. U.S. and Japan officially recognize the new government.

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