Sunnies Material in Cyberpunk Milan | World Anvil
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Sonniene, aka Sunnies, is a powerful opiate painkiller that was never approved for legal sale due to undesirable side effects and high addiction risk. Instead, it made its way into the illegal drug trade.   In addition to the high risk of addiction, the “undesirable side effects” referred to in its registration denial include dangerous levels of pain insensitivity and delusions of invulnerability. This combination often leads to unnecessarily risky behaviors in test patients, which is why it was not approved for legal sale. However, for those with high anxiety, stress levels, or paranoia, the feeling of invulnerability can be as addictive as the medication itself, and makes it highly prized on the black market.   As a result, Sunnies are very expensive, costing almost two hundred eurobucks per dose on average, and difficult to find. They are only manufactured in Germany right now, so very few dealers have a reliable source.   In Milan, currently only Platinum regularly deals in Sunnies.
150-200 EB per dose
Poor availability
Faintly bitter
Bitter, chalky
White powder pressed into tablets

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