Abyssal Exalted Condition in Creation | World Anvil

Abyssal Exalted

  • Exalted
    A mortal who has gained the ability to channel essence.
    • Celestial Exalted
      Chosen mortals exalted by the Celestial Incarnae's power.
    • Terrestrial Exalted
      Chosen mortals exalted by the Five Elemental Dragon's power.
    • Exigents
      Chosen mortals exalted by the power of a god channeling the Exigence.
    • Abyssal Exalted
      Chosen mortals exalted by the Deathlords using the corrupted power of The Unconquered Sun.
    • Infernal Exalted
      Chosen mortals exalted by the Yozis using the corrupted power of The Unconquered Sun.
    • Alchemical Exalted
      Chosen mortals exalted by the Autochthon's power.
    • Liminals
      Chosen that walk the line between life and death.

    Also known as Deathknights, these powerful beings are given corrupted solar exaltations by the Deathlords, and enlisted into their service as vassals.   Despair, futility, hopelessness in heroes and leaders and the hearts of men spread the Essence of the grave far more effectively than wholesale slaughter, which tends to renew vows of perseverance, survival, and commitment to the gods. Kill a wife and spare the husband, and you may have made an enemy for life, but you have also made the man questionable to everyone around him forevermore. And so the Abyssals sometimes stay their hands. They let their enemies live. They preach bleak sermons and move on without incident. They let the world move in its own course, touched by their darkness. This is the chivalry of death.   Few living individuals understand the chivalry of death, even when a deathknight patiently explains it. Who can say why one man or village is spared, while another is cut down or razed to ashes? Why does an Abyssal let his foe live with the memory of defeat in one battle, and slay him in the next? The Abyssals are untroubled; they know, in their hearts, when they should stay their hand. They are unhurried; they know death’s triumph to be inevitable.   They are promised eternal life by the Deathlords that offered them their exaltation. No one can say if this is a promise that can be backed up though, as no Abyssal Exalted are older than the breaking of the Jade.   The Deathlords stole solar exaltations, and using dark sorceries have corrupted them into the Abyssal exalted.

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