Costania The Finding of Antora Falls
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The Finding of Antora Falls

Discovery, Exploration


"We found the rumoured floating island that seafarers have been speaking about for the last sixty years... The sights are glorious and I can't wait to share these findings..."

  • Captain Helen Antora , Head of the Explorers Guild of Salion

  • The mysterious floating island had been first spotted sixty years prior to Captain Antora setting foot there. Seafarers had been sailing underneath the island and alerted the Explorers guild immediately once it was confirmed that it wasn't just a cloud.   With the steady invention of the airship, the Explorers Guild started to plan for the adventure and once ready, flew for the island. The Exploratory crew consisted of Captain Antora, Assistant Conroyd Wells and Chief Chronicler Lloyd Hodge as well as the airship crew of 15 members.

    Related Location
    Antora Falls
    Related timelines & articles
    History of Antora Falls