The Taiji in Cos | World Anvil
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The Taiji

The Taiji are mortals who reached the highest state of reality of being mortal yet a god. When a Taiji ascends it is rumored that stars appear in the sky as their symbol. All nations have the same Taiji, some just take them more seriously than others. For some, it is just myth or fun stories. For other societies, it is a deep and practiced religion, focused on enlightenment, peace, and the ultimate reality.   As of right now, there are thirteen Taiji star signs in the sky, they are listed in clockwise order here.   1. Dragon
  • Those under the Dragon Taiji are considered to be powerful and brave. Some even have been rumored to have a Dragonheart.
2. Archi
  • The Archi sign is blessed to those who have deep insight on creation, they can construct and create magnificently, said to be following in the paths of the gods.
3. Owl
  • The Owl Taiji is a patient nocturnal sign, very wise, and usually live to old age.
4. Ladle
  • Those under the Ladle are said to be born with the ability to cook and nourish like no other.
5. Gorilla
  • The Gorilla sign shows great strength, in some areas of the world rumored to have the ability of Gorilla Muscle
6. Wind
  • The Wind is a quiet and lightweight sign. Those under this sign are said to be light on their toes and even unnoticeable.
7. Firelight
  • The Firelight sign is the only reason some people from Calmireth even believe in the Taiji. The Liche King of Firelight ascended to immortality creating this sign. Those under Firelight are said to be blessed with the gift of never-ending determination, and sometimes even an innate ability to raise the dead.
8. Blade
  • The Blade sign is quick with the sword and even quicker with their tongues. Charismatic and chivalrous every young knight's dream to be under the Blade sign.
9. Tiger
  • Those under the Tiger sign are dexterous and quick. Able to maneuver significantly well, also rumored to poses the ability of Tiger Blood.
10. Keeper
  • The Keeper sign is the complement to the Archi. While the Archi can construct and create the Keeper can watch and observe. While they may not be able to craft and construct, they see and know more than most around them in the world.
11. Staff
  • A touch of the magi lives in all with the Staff sign, whether they enjoy magic or not. Most famous sorcerers were born under the Staff sign, giving them more of a taste of the magic realm than others.
12. Pig
  • The Pig sign considered to be an insult to some is wished-for by scholars and those living a simple life. The Pig sign is intelligent and loving, a simple yet powerful combination.
13. Greyhood
  • Born as the antithesis to the Firelight, the Greyhood followed a similar path of denouncing the gods, but instead of destruction, saught peace. Those under this sign have a strong inner peace, yet also the ability to take action when no others will.
  1. Dragon - Dragonheart (Charisma)
  2. Archi - Architect Mind (Feat, Artificer Initiate)
  3. Owl - Owl Eyes (Wisdom)
  4. Ladle - Cheifs Tool (Feat, Chef (Tashas))
  5. Gorilla - Gorilla Muscle (Strength)
  6. Wind - As Quiet as (Feat, Mobile)
  7. Firelight - A Flicker of Hope (Feat, flames of phlegethos (xanthar))
  8. Blade - A Warriors Might (Feat, Sentinel)
  9. Tiger - Tiger Blood (Dexterity)
  10. Keeper - Observer of all (Feat, Observant)
  11. Staff - Student of Magi (Feat, war caster)
  12. Pig - Swine Kind (Intelligence)
  13. Greyhood - Lightblood (con, Feat Resilient)

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Aug 4, 2023 15:22

Is the diagram of the 13 paths meant to look like a clock? What happens at the 13th hour? I really vibe with the Archi specifically, do you have a favorite story/character about them?