Corumant Magician's Veil Timeline Timeline
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Magician's Veil Timeline

The history of the augmented Timeline of the Magician's Veil within the magical dimention

  • 500 SL

    600 SL

    The Dominion War
    Military action

    As the continent Bas'ther was discovered, It soon turned into a colonial war between the different races. Humans won.   It’s unknown how, although it is speculated that somehow, the flow of magic got disturbed, but the war created a veil of both enchantment and illusion magic around the continent, keeping the new and old inhabitants in and the outside out. Creating the Magician’s Veil.

  • 510 SL

    520 SL

    The Creation of the Dreaded Craters
    Military action

    The Dreaded Craters is a zone created by a Dwarven bombardment, with enchanted ammunition, although it is unknown what EXACTLY the ammunition was purposed for, other than a large amount of destruction.

  • 530 SL

    560 SL

    The Settling of Empire's Rise and the colonisation of The Maiden peninsula
    Military action

    The Empire Expands it's power across the Rise and the Peninsula, colonising the native races and pushing the elves back out of the Peninsula, making a stand at Allegiance Crossing.

  • 600 SL

    Signing of The First Race Peace Treaty
    Diplomatic action

    Humans use their newfound military strength to force a peace treaty onto the other First Races, where the elves are allowed to control and rule their own regions but owe monthly taxes and The Dwarves are allowed a ruler but are politicly part of The Empire as retaliation for the Dreaded Craters.