Babbling Patty's Hut Building / Landmark in Corth | World Anvil
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Babbling Patty's Hut

Purpose / Function

This tiny, isolated hut is the dwelling of a green hag known as Babbling Patty. In its single room, she cooks, eats, and sleeps. The hut is crowded with the debris of a long life, cooking implements hanging on the walls and dangling on chains from the ceiling while piles of dirty laundry and discarded wood shavings litter the floor.


The hut is built of dry stone, unevenly-shaped stones fitted together like puzzle pieces to make rough walls without the aid of mortar. The walls have been left unpainted, as has the wooden door that swings creakily on iron hinges. The windows are barred with wooden shutters and Patty can lock and bar the door if she does not wish to have company, or if she decides to trap an unwitting visitor inside.   Grass has grown over the roof, making it impossible to tell the original material. It sags slightly in the middle from the accumulated weight of earth and vegetation, and leaks in the rain.


Babbling Patty has lived in this hut for decades, possibly centuries, and no-one is exactly sure how long ago it was built. It may even have belonged to her mother or grandmother before she was born. It shows clear signs of repair. The door and shutters have been replaced several times over, at different times, and do not match. Holes in the walls have been mended with stones in various shades of grey, brown, black and white, giving the hut a patchy appearance that suits the character of its inhabitant.
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