Sontar's Rangers Organization in Corrum Galaxia | World Anvil
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Sontar's Rangers (Sahn-tar)


Ranks and Insignia

Rank: Responsibilities: Insignia
Baron of Opasau Saffmit The Baron personally leads his Rangers, though often just as a figurehead
General of the Rangers The military commander of the Rangers, personally selected by the Baron
Ranger Captain Commands one of three Battalions, and are handpicked by the General
Patrol Master Commands a Patrol (50 men)
Assistant Patrol Master Aide-en-camp, handpicked by the Patrol Master
Ranger Lieutenant Commands a Platoon (25 men)
Rank: Responsibilities: Insignia
Sergeant Commands a squad (5 men)
Ranger-at-arms Squad quartermaster, handpicked by Sergeant
Ranger Solider in the Rangers
Rank: Responsibilities: Insignia
Technical Ranger Special Rank, equal to Ranger, a Ranger with a special skill
Helms Ranger Special Rank, equal to Sergeant, a Ranger trained as a pilot or crewman
Helms Ensign Special Rank, equal to Ranger Lieutenant, an officer on the Tudefiti
Helms Captain Special Rank, equal to Captain, the Ranger in charge of the Tudefiti


Hyla Battalion
Hyla Battalion (Nod-Typical for 'gold') is the 1st Battalion of the Rangers, and the soldiers here are regarded as the most elite and loyal Rangers. The Baron personally leads this Battalion in combat.
Hyle Battalion
Hyle Battalion (Nod-Typical for 'silver') is the 2nd Battalion of the Rangers. They serve as the main infantry soldiers, and are led by the General of the Rangers.
  • 3rd Platoon, "Teljimbcel"
    • Commanded by Ranger Lieutenant Arrat Galan, Teljimbcel were used as an advanced force, deployed ahead of the main force in battle. The platoon has been specially trained in infiltration and sabotage, and use a modified version of the KR10, designated the KR10a (Axt, Nod-Trad for short), which had no stock, a shortened barrel and was limited to three-round burst.
Hilu Battalion
Hilu Battalion (Nod-Typical for 'bronze') is the 3rd Battalion of the Rangers. They are the reserves, city guards and new recruits to the Rangers. They are led by the Ranger Captain most likely to be the next General.


The Rangers are fiercely loyal to the Baron of Opasau Saffmit and the people of the Independent Barony of Opasau.

Public Agenda

To serve the Baron and protect the people of the Independent Barony of Opasau.


The Rangers have a small fleet consisting of a modified Faulast Chaneecel-class Freightship named the Tudefiti, 3 Sheebytri Strike Fighters and a single Caar Oclatece-class Bomber.  

Standard Issue Small Arms

  • KR10 - Carbine
  • JR12g - Shotgun
  • KR475 - Pistol


The first Baron of Opasau Saffmit, Qinro Sontar I, created a guard he called the Rangers to protect himself and his family. Overtime, it grew to be the military of the Opasau Saffmit, and later the Independent Barony of Opasau.   During the early days of the Tradelands Campaign, the first major theatre of the Tianni Civil War, Baron Qinro Sontar III saw the chance to expand the reach of his territory beyond Opasau Saffmit and the small farms around it.   He personally marched with 2 of his 3 Battalions of men to Pike and its neighbouring Fort. 30 minutes after sending a declaration of war to the Talopi Xonod, the Rangers invaded the town and razed the Fort. Despite being outnumbered, the Rangers proved to be better trained and organized than the soldiers of the Fort Pike Garrison, and suffered few losses. After conscripting POWs and locals into the Rangers as the "Mabeznod Battalion", he marched back across the border and proceeded to lay siege to the Free Colonies town of Alora Homestead.   While the siege did result in more losses, mostly from the Mabeznods, the ranks were replenished by even more locals from Alora. The Rangers were forced back to Opasau Saffmit to repel an attack from the 1st Tradelands Army soon after the end of the siege. After a prolonged battle outside the city, the two armies were forced into hit and run tactics on each other camps as both sides struggled with supplies.   After the Opasau Accords were signed by Baron Sontar III and the Curator of the Senate, the Rangers were stationed along the newly defined borders of the Independent Barony.

Demography and Population

300 Soldiers (Pre-War)
Founding Date
Military, Paramilitary/Militia
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Ruling Organization
Parent Organization
Related Species


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