Ixtlilton in Coria Viridis | World Anvil
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Ixtlilton (Nahuatl languages: Ixtlilton pronounced, "the little black one") in mythology is a god of medicine and healing and therefore was often alluded to as the brother of Macuilxochitl, the god of well-being or good luck. Ixtlilton was a gentle god, who emanated from an obsidian mask that brought darkness and peaceful sleep to children in their beds at night. He would visit young children in their beds at night and bring them darkness and a good night's sleep. If a child was taken ill, they would drink ‘ixtlilauh’ from Ixtlilton’s temple as a cure and when they first learned to talk, would leave offerings at his temple. He is generally known as a peaceful god and has been linked with other aspects of society and life such as dancing, drinking, divination, painters, and the calendar.

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