Havoc 81 Myth in Continental | World Anvil
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Havoc 81

The myth of a Beast that can shapeshift into 81 different forms and uses this ability to sneak through the Grassland Stacks and make off with livestock. The Beast has a true form of a stone with glowing lines of force. Supposedly if you caught the Beast while it was transforming you would see the true form, and Havoc would be unable to disobey you.


Havoc 81 is a beast granted an ability that lets it change its form into the 81 living things it has eaten. It travels the Grasslands changing its disguise in secret so that it can't be followed. When it comes across a house or farm it will shift into a small human child and ask the owner how many Quens are in a Filo. if you answer 50 then Havoc will be disguised as something powerful at night. But if you answer "Filo are 81 Havoc." then Havoc is forced to shift into something weak that night.

Historical Basis

There are beasts that have abilities to alter perceptions, some of those beasts eat livestock.

Variations & Mutation

What forms that Havoc takes is in constant flux, though the idea of imitating Fairies and Humans stays consistent. At least one of Havoc's forms is always a young human child.
Date of First Recording
3000 ME
Date of Setting
2900 ME

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