Arthur Lovesjel Character in Continent of Craterium | World Anvil
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Arthur Lovesjel

"I am the white lion of the mountain. My roar keeps my subjects in check. My teeth cause fear in my enemies. My claws protect what is mine. And this mountain is my home." -Arthur Lovesjel, Konge of Gammelkonge.   Arthur Lovesjel is the current Konge of Gammelkonge who is ruling currently, after a bloody civil war broke the city state. He fought Ledemann family in war for succession for title of Konge and right to rule over Gammelkonge.
  After the war was over, Arthur took his seat as the current ruler. He is one of the more popular rulers of Gammelkonge in recent memory, reigning with charisma and bravery matched by only few warriors inf the nation. He is also proud of his Asgardian blood and has promised to bring long life and wealth to his people for many more years to come.


Hobbies & Pets

Hunting and horse-riding.
Mountain climbing with his retinue and personal guards.
He has a tamed saber-tooth tiger
Current Location
Year of Birth
3110 EF 38 Years old
Bright, ice-blue eyes. Sharp.
Long blonde hair, bound into a ponytail.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white, Asgardian look.

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