Gems of Mystery Material in Connecting the Realms | World Anvil
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Gems of Mystery

~Gems of Mystery~   The Gems of Mystery are a group of gems commonly found within the continent of (). These gems are mostly used to help power up the various machines on the continent. This group of gems can be very powerful in their own right, but most learn how to handle them at a young age, so there are not many accidents actually happen with these gems.   These Gems of Mystery are, but not limited to:
  • Fire Rubies
  • Fire Sapphires
  • Snow Sapphires
  • Evergreen Emeralds
  • And many many more.
The main use for the gems is for powering up different machines. Such as trains, where Fire Rubies are often used to help power the machines.   These gems do eventually disintegrate into a fine powder, but it can take days, or even weeks of continuous use for them to eventually burn out. The gems are not generally easily obtainable by the public, but that has not stopped vendors from trying to sell them. Most of the time, the gems are disguised, and made to look like jewelry. But that can be very dangerous for the overall public.  Mostly because if certain gems come into contact with certain gems, it can cause a reaction that could be very dangerous when one is in close proximity to them.
The gems don't really have a smell to them, because they are crystals. So it is up to one's imagination to think about what they would smell like.
It's not recommended to try to eat/taste a gem of mystery, for one can get some serious injury's if not treated immediately. But the gems are said to have a certain taste to each of them, such as Fire Rubies are said to taste like pepper, or so some say.

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