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Hailing from the technocratic nation of Gilwalde, these people have been at war with their neighbors for generations. Their nation exists as a resource-hungry, always expanding into it's surrounding lands. Their cities expand as large urban sprawls, appearing as large, vastly interconnected sections of living areas dotted among large industrial towers and complexes as a factor of their upbringing. Waste and Wanton usage is taught to these people, and they are no strangers to rapid consumption. Their ideology is that all should have all that one wants - and what they want is taught as to be the World.   This is not a fault of these people, no, but the fault of the governments that rule them. The founding fathers of this nation decided long before that the nature of man was to supersede Nature - to rise above and to control. If Man needed more land, then man seekith the stars - And so it has been taught.


Culture and cultural heritage

As the culture of these people is to consume, they often hit trouble with their neighboring nation's people. The Tatawi people, who value sustainability, have many issues with the ways that the Gilwaldi people run their nations. At a result, for the last 200 years these groups have been sparring over small border areas and resource mines. People have been taught of this, and it is now trained into the minds of the population that they have always been at war with Tatawa. There is a shared heritage speaking of the fact that the two nations used to be unified, but that over the years their neighbor became "savage and misguided, believing foolish thoughts about the nature of the planet", and that they must be returned to the understanding of

Coming of Age Rites

One is considered to have come of age once they have served their mandatory 2 years in the planet's military, between the ages of 14 and 16. Those who help win land from the enemy are given a title in society, as well as an equivalent area of land within major capital. Mansions and Estates have been granted to the highest successors, spanning large areas that are sub-let to allow them to fund their life.


Beauty Ideals

The Gilwaldi are taught that the finest beauty is to tend one's own land. Gardens and displays are prominent, not as to brag but rather to display proudly one's heritage. Displays can feature old family members, or crests. Some are done as narratives, where the story is displayed through change in foliage. To keep one's property untended is to show disrespect to one's own heritage.

Gender Ideals

Genders are extremely heavily separated among this world. Males are expected to be the "force" behind a motion; The Ground-Force of an Army, the Workers in the factory. Females are expected to be tacticians, the brains behind an operation; they are the tacticians, the overseers of production. That said, they are unified through the creation of art and presentation.

Relationship Ideals

The ideal of a relationship is to blend your design style with your partner's/partners'.

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