Eye of The Cosmos
Okay, this one is a bit ridiculous.The Eye of the Cosmos is a tale, spoken for generations across space, that out in the universe there is a Star that acts as an eye for the universe itself. This, of course, is stupid. The Universe is not alive; there's no scientific basis for this. Even if there was, what would that mean? Ooooh, some fancy space-eye's gonna look at us from across the vastness of the abyss? Light's still the same speed, dumbass. It'll be watching dinosaurs discover what it's like to eat shit to a big rock, not our Stellar Empire gettin' dabbed on by the forces of nature, only to crawl our sorry ass back to the edge of the universe in only a few hundred years.
Some Science-y guys a few years back tried to re-jig the idea, I hear. Make it less mumbo-jumbo-y and more "could we physically have something as fluid as a star act as an eye"? Unsurprisingly, fuck no! There's no way such a thing could work, and even if it could, it's just an eye?! God, you people are stupid.
The Eye of the Cosmos was an idea presented independently by many groups prior to The Scream. The tale goes that the Universe is aware of our existence, and watches us from within. There needs not be only one Eye of the Cosmos, in fact tales from those who claim to have witnessed such a thing are often conflicting
The basic elements, however, are the same. You have some big star somewhere, and by enacting certain readings over it - it is said to show signs of "sentience" or some other form of complex behavior. The distinction between this and, say, the theory for a Sentient Star (which is a different, and slightly more plausible concept) is that these stars are suggested to hold extreme power, have an eye-like appearance (Human-Like, of course), and are capable of speaking.
The discovery of such stars is believed to herald good luck, however there has never been a confirmed viewing.
Historical Basis
There is almost nothing known that acts as a basis for these beliefs. The initial origin is believed to have come from an Old-Earth satalite picture, the Cat's Eye Nebula. When Humanity came to space, they found lots of eye nebulas. They became a bit of a phenomena, and after a few years the concept became bastardized. Eventually, it became a belief that there are stars that hold similar properties.
Research was launched into this idea, as some fringe groups suggested that they had witnessed stars that they saw "look at them and speak unknown words" - however none of them could remember where these stars were. Little evidence was found to the effect, other than that the claimants all described very similar events. Research ran cold, and so funding was dropped.
Many years later, MES was discovered, and on-going research into the ability ran brain scans through the main system for any related data. Surprisingly, brain scans of the initial claimant groups were turned up; each showing some signs of what had been deemed "burning". The phenomena was deemed to have been an effect of Space Travel on the unadjusted human brain, and left at that from there on out.
In the early years of Space Travel, this myth and many others propagated widely. People wished to believe their deities were out there in the void, and that there was a chance to run across them. As the field of Science expanded it's knowledge and understanding, however, these myths were slowly erased one by one. Despite this, incorrect truths become fairy tale, and the idea has persisted in popular culture for generations.
Variations & Mutation
Some variations, typically those spun to control a population, re-imagine these eyes are hostile rather than benevolent. There also exists some variants where these stars are not physical phenomena at all, but instead can be found within Drillspace as a unique form of anchor point. This variation also lacks any evidence, mirroring it's physical counterpart.
Cultural Reception
Most cultures nowadays have accepted the scientific explanation, however still enjoy the tale. There are some who believe in the tale, and search the Universe looking for answers to all of the Universe's mysteries - solved or unsolved alike.
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