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Human world time

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Welcome to the cloud world of Dragons. As a human, it is very dangerous for you here. I advise that you turn back now unless you want to be eaten.

No? Okay, don't say I didn't warn you. Trust me, I would know. But if you insist...

Welcome to the Cloud Islands. They may look like just regular clouds from underneath, but fly up above and you'll see that these clouds are actually teeming with life. Each cloud contains its own ecosystem, looking like a patchwork rug of biomes, some small, large and everything in between. You've caught the clouds at a good time, everything so close together. In a few hours, standing on that big one there, you might not be able to see any other islands at all. Oh, you want to know what that building is? That's the castle that houses the leaders of Iconia on the island of Eydis. See, as much as the cloud travel seems random and unpredictable, there is some sense of order to them. There are kingdoms formed, with borders and territories, Iconia being one of them. To the east of Iconia lies Terdon. To the West, Ulogiet, North, Reven and South is Shicuria. Relations between these kingdoms aren't always the best. I'd strongly advise you staying here in Iconia if you intend to get out of here alive. Though if I'm to take you through my family's story we may have to push some boundaries.

  Prepare yourself for a world of magic, love, life, and death. Lets get started shall we?

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