WorldEnmber 2023 _MiniMeta in Chroniques de Telzac | World Anvil
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WorldEnmber 2023 _MiniMeta

Hello there !
  It's not the first time I'm doing Worldember. Thought, this time, I though I'd do all the proper homework to optimize direction and workflow.

My pledge is done and it will be a great challenge since I don't recall being able to pull it all off yet. As frustating as it is I'm fine with it ! All this world anvil challenges are helping me to come back slowly but surely to complete this fantasy world of wonder I'm creating from more than a decade now. I know it doesn't look like it but try to loose years of your work and effort 3 times. I stoped, I started again and did this cycle till now. Though, I still have a lot of work done on paper that I didn't numerize yet. It will come one day. 
One more though  ! As much as I'd like to write english version of Telzac's Chronicles, I still write in french for now so unless you're familiar with it DeepL will be your friend if you're interested in my world. 
  But let's focus on new area for this year Worldember !!
  In chronicles of Telzacs, as for many fantasy setup, there is dwarves . And you know what? Yes, they look like what we could expect from Gimli, Willow and so many dwarves we can see in our fantasy favorites books or movies.   They're small, they like their own beer, and they dig dig dig a hole, digging a hole ! Oh yeah you bet they do !
  So, as you can imagine, Dwarves are gonna be my main focus for the challenge. I have a lot in mind about them but nether write a thing about how they leave, how their 3 mains land had been created and so so many thing yet to be reveal and even more yet to be invented !   Here is what to do with them :
  • I want people to reconize the generic vibe we find everywhere when see them in dragon age, lord of the ring and so on. But I want to give them something unique and original, still being coherent with their livestyle.
  • Dwarves technologies are mainly about architecture, minerals extraction and fungal culture
  • Size and high mountains make hunting quiet hard. So they manage their way into breeding chamois and Yak to complete their other food ressources ( cereals crops and fungal culture). I want them to eat some kind of bugs we find in deep and dark cave.
  • Main vibe within dwarves realm are busy working mostly but they always like to enjoy party, beer, gambling and even strategy board game.
  • Dwarves come from the mountain chain Astor.
  • Despite lack of ligh and apparent windows within their home and workshop, some kind crystal device, thanks to magic, give enough light to see properly. It's one their oldest technology and it is definitly an old one.
  • Barnastaor is first dwarf empire and despite the loss of their great glory from past era, it still a great deal in the continent.
  • As for their languages and choice of name that will appear in their lore, I choosed old nordic languages. I'm not going to talk about their languages much except sometime to explain origin of the name I choose. If you know well enough about these nordic languages and you find any name to be offesnive somehow, please, let me know about it with respect and be open to talk about it so I can understand why and we can talk a way through it. I'll be glad to switch if it's seems needed.
  • Two of the three Dwarves realms I'm going to focus on
  • Barnastaor
    • L'ambiance générale du royaume est relativement effervescente malgré les nombreuse ruine et zones inoccupée du royaume qui possède moins 4 fois la démographie qu'il a connu à son âge d'or.
    • Il s'agit du plus vieux royaume nain de Telzac, peut être de la planète. Certaines histoires raconte que 2 ères plus tôt, leurs territoire s'étendaient sur toute la chaine d'Arnor au delà de l'actuel Royaume saint D'Achiarel.
    • Au centre de leur royaume actuel, au pieds de sommets aux glaces éternelles qui s'élèvent tout autour, se dressent et s'agenouillent les plus grandes statues naines connues à ce jour. Véritable chef d'œuvres des ères passées, elles représentent les pères fondateurs du royaume d'Arnor révérant les montagnes ainsi que leur dieu tutélaire qui, debout, les gratifient d'artefacts grandiose qui sont aujourd'hui perdu à jamais.
  • Girhfjaljlh
    • Les nains de Girhfjaljlh, aussi appelé "nains de la crevasse", en raison des gorges profondes où ils ont élu domicile ont une culture très différente de leur congénères vivant dans les montagnes. Bien qu'ils soient aussi des mineur aguerris passent beaucoup plus de temps à l'extérieur et ont développé un certain don pour la pêche et la canalisation de l'eau.
    • Voisin et fournisseur de minerais précieux des Gnomes, leur peuple est assez bien fourni en tecnologie kintalaise. C'est d'ailleurs le peuple, avec les Nains de Nirio Morio ( j'aime plus ce nom, il faudra le changer) qui commerce le plus avec les Gnomes. Naturellement, la plupart des informations sur les avancées technologique et comment se porte ce peuple isolé viennent de ces 2 peuples nains.
    • Incrusté moins profondément dans la roche, leur demeure arborre un style audacieux d'architecture gnome mêlé à la grandeur et à la droiture des designs nains.
    • Vivant un peu plus dehors, leur peau est moins blanches que celles de leur congénères qui passent le plus clair de leur temps à l'intérieur.

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