Lorna 'Houndsbane' Law Aegis Character in Chronicles of Mann | World Anvil
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Lorna 'Houndsbane' Law Aegis

Lora ‘Houndsbane’ Law Aegis was a fierce Warrior, and king of Highmark after the death of her brother King Rodger VIII Law Aegis.   She is known for many conquests throughout the Fist Nebula and Furse Space.     She earned the title ‘Houndsbane’ for her many victories over Clan Hound.     She is known for leaving a child with each defeat rival of their own blood. Abandoning it when she withdraws from her new conquests for fresh ones.     She would fall in love with one of her children unknown to her and later wed. She and her son Cletus would have their own child.     Once they father of Cletus saw that Lorna was happy he told her and his son the news. Lorna did not care but Cletus left and later married the King of the Wanes.

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