Fabian Space Geographic Location in Chronicles of Mann | World Anvil
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Fabian Space

Fabian Space is made up of the Worlds which once fell to the Fabian Dominion before many worlds were abandoned, and fall of the western fall to Furse invaders who setup their own kingdoms which largely fell to the influence of the Fabian Faith, creating the Fabian-Furse peoples.   Fabian Space is made up of most of the north western half of the Settled Worlds. Although the Fabian Dominion remained intact in the eastern fall, the western half is now made up of nations such as The Kingdom of the Salians, The Holy Fabian Protectorate, Talus, the Kingdom of the Dunum, Jaca, Bardulia, Galbiana, and Nabar.   The world of Fabia within the Kingdoms of Talus, once capital of the Fabian Dominion now houses the Head of the Fabian Faith, and through them unite the old worlds of the western half against the hordes of Furse, Bolgar, and more which seek to invade the rich worlds.
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