Bulan Space Geographic Location in Chronicles of Mann | World Anvil
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Bulan Space

Bulan Space is a long and harsh section of the Settled Worlds. It is has that the 13 fleets first arrived in what is now considered Bulan Space and from there Mannkind spread out and settled worlds in their new found galaxy when they believed they were safe from the Skoll.   Bulan Space and Kermot Space are the two major powers of the South West. While Kermot is known for it's anicent rise and vast wealth, Bulan Space is spoken of as if myth and legend. A wild and dangerous section of space which few return from and life is an everyday battle.     Bulan Space is spread over a vast expanse. One of the largest in the Settled Worlds Bulan Space is also one of the least advanced with many worlds on the verge of space flight. It is considered a wild and danger part of the Settled Worlds which many consider no more settled then that of the Baatar of the North East.     There have been and are might nations within Bulan Space but many lay in decay and long past their prime. The hazards of Bulan Space also take their toll on the worlds and though who travel space but also prevent outsiders from traveling Bulan Space.     The northern nations of which their have been many have often been the more wealthy and powerful. Those with borders to the Fabians and other nations of the North West or with Kermot Space and the nations of the South east.     The many worlds of Bulan space are often small and it is rare to find a system with a billion or more people. Slavery and raw resources are the major trade of Bulan Space.
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