Bolgar Space Geographic Location in Chronicles of Mann | World Anvil
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Bolgar Space

Home to forty two nations of the Bolgars. Forty one if you don't count the Techno Empire which is made up of several Bolgar Worlds. It is one of if not the largest stretch of Settled Space. The Bolgar nations fight one another for control their holy home world, the world in which the Eigth Fleet of Mann settled all those thousands of years ago. The holy world of Bolgar as long enjoyed life as a free world. A safe port for all. Those who threat it quickly see Bolgar space united for the sole purpose of defending it.   Over a thosand years ago a man claimed the right to rule Bolgar, and united much of Bolgar Space. Threated by outside forces, and forces from within. Samo lead and created several alliances against pirates and raiders in the area, and other threats from those outside Bolgar Space. He was elected leader of the Bolgar on Bolgar itself, the first such person ever in the history to be declared King of the Bolgar. He defeated several forces of Fabians after being crowned King, and invaded several Fabian worlds, but never invaded a Bolgar world.   After the death of Samo, his children were refused the crown, and the short lived empire fell apart. Bolgar itself became a free worl once again, and Bolgar Space split into dozens of warring nations.
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